Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some proper iterations

So the fact that my first real print (see previous post) turned out so clean was total luck. My axis were off by about 30%, my feedrate settings was also wrong due to my not understanding the cryptic setting names, and it seems that there are even sweet spots to print in on my machine.

I shrunk the axis, and my next several prints (3, 4a and 4b, and 5) were gross blobs with way too much plastic. The reason why there were so many blobby versions is that I was actually changing a parameter in the wrong direction.

my next print was decent with the amount of plastic, but it seems that there are snags in my XY, (though mostly in my X). my print ended up with ridges down one side. One of the four vertical walls were perfectly straight so I figured it out pretty quickly. My next print was the one you see above. it measures about 19.96x19.87x20.33mm so I dialed in pretty well. The bit that it is off is probably due to the flowrate change or measurement error.

I almost had seal on the top and bottom faces so I tried to go for something a little bigger and a bit more challenging. I adjusted some settings and went after making a small cup. I didn't change them enough so it won't hold water, and the larger print definitely showed more of the ridge behavior.

It certainly isn't the prettiest, but I've learned a lot.

Unfortunately for the momentum I've built up, I'm actually leaving town for the next several days to visit my brother in Boston. I'll relax some and come back with some ideas of what to design and print next.

I'll certainly take recommendations. I imagine several of the people reading this are people from the community here in Chicago. But I guess with Buzz, more and more people will be able to find this.


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